# Import Rules

Classifying hundreds of records every month as you import them into Money FI can be time consuming and error prone. Rules save you time and ensure everything is classified correctly.

The essence of rules is that during the csv import process, Money FI checks if any records in your file match an existing rule. If a match exists, the data in that record is automatically changed and classified according to how you've set up the rule.

Rules work on a per account basis. This means that you're able to specify rules based on the account for which you're importing data.


Here's an example of a time saving rule:

If the payee is Whole Foods, automatically set the record type as Transaction, the category as Groceries and add a note: Stocking up on my weekly groceries.

This saves you time since you'll never again have to manually classify this record.

You have two ways of creating and managing your rules:

# During the csv import process

During the classification stage of the csv import process, you'll have the option of creating a rule.

The rules you create here will be applied to future imports.

# Via the rule manager

The rule manager can be found via Bulk Import > Import Rules.

Within the rule manager, first select an account and then either create a new rule or manage the existing rules you've already created.


If multiple rules match a specific record, only the first (ie: highest priority) matching rule will be applied.

Rules can be dragged up or down to increase or decrease their priority.

# Rule attributes

Rules have the following attributes:

# Payee Match (required)

Rules are applied to csv data based on the Payee column. The following options are available:

  • Exact match: The payee will need to match the value you enter here exactly.
  • Contains match: The payee will need to contain the word or phrase you enter here. For example if you enter Amazon then the rule will match against all of these: Amazon Prime, UK Amazon, Amazon LTD.


Payee matches are case sensitive. Amazon is not the same as AMAZON.

# Exclude from totals (optional)

If checked, records matching this rule will not be included in any data aggregations (eg: Dashboards, FI Plan etc).

This is useful for excluding such things as transferring money from one account to another since this should not be considered an expense.

By default this is unchecked, meaning that the record will be included in all data aggregations.


Records that are excluded from totals can be explicitly included within the Query Tool.

# Rename Payee (optional)

If a record matches this rule, the payee will be renamed to whatever you enter here.

# Assign record type (optional)

If a record matches this rule, the record type will be set to whatever you select here.

# Assign category (optional)

To select this option, you will have to have first assigned a record type in the above step.

If a record matches this rule, the category will be set to whatever you select here.

# Add tags (optional)

If a record matches this rule, any tags you select here will be added to the record.

# Notes (optional)

If a record matches this rule, the notes you enter here will be appended to the record.