Money FI Blog

Musings on financial independence, investing, FIRE and life.

by Brendon @ Money FI
Category: Analysis

What if we were to start investing right as the stock market starts to crash and enter a bear market?

In this post we run the numbers to find out exactly how our investments would perform if we were unlucky enough to start at the worst possible time.

Is it better to invest a larger amount of money into the stock market in one go or to split it into smaller investments over a period of time.

This post runs the numbers over 26 years worth of stock market activity to determine the optimal investment strategy between lump sum and dollar cost averaging.

What's more impactful on your financial future between lowering expenses or receiving a financial windfall?

Most people with bad money habits and a mountain of debt live in constant hope of receiving a financial windfall to solve all their problems. But what if there was another option to secure your financial future that you could start doing right away?

Lowering your cost of living might not sound sexy, but take a look at these numbers and you might be surprised at how they can change your future.

When investing for retirement or financial independence, it's tempting to get caught up in stock picking. We all want to get the best returns possible on our money and find that hidden stock that's destined to increase one hundred fold.

But is picking winning stocks the only way to ensure a comfortable retirement?

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